“Internment and Redress: The Story of Japanese Canadians”, is a resource book for teachers of the intermediate grades, aimed at meeting the prescribed learning outcomes of Social Studies 5 and aspects of social responsibility.
“Internment and Redress: The Japanese Canadian Experience”, is a resource guide for teachers of Social Studies 11.
The primary purpose of this project was to bring together new and experienced social studies teachers for professional development through involvement in the development of new curriculum materials, assessment strategies, field testing and by training other teachers at district and provincial workshops. Another important aspect of teacher development was the interaction with members of the Japanese Canadian community who shared their lived experiences with the Japanese Canadian National Museum, with historians and other academics.
The goals of the resource books are:
- to foster historical empathy and a sense of justice regarding the sufferings of others,
- to develop a historical understanding of some of the significant events in Canada during the Second World War,
- to encourage meaningful participation in Canada’s legal and democratic institutions,
- to develop an understanding of the physical, emotional and economic hardships endured by Japanese Canadians before, during and after the Second World War and,
- to teach students to recognized stereotyping, overgeneralization and discrimination.
At the intermediate level, the lessons focus on process and the development of critical thinking skills. At the secondary level, students must apply their critical thinking skills in reaching the goals of the social studies programme.
To order printed copies, please contact:
Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent
Burnaby, B.C. V5E 4M7
Tel: 604.777.7000
Fax: 604.777.7001
Also Available through the museum:
you can reserve the JOURNEYS Education Kits.