For Further Exploration
Table of Contents
- Taiken Programs at the NNMCC
- Picture Books
- Intermediate Books/Novels
- Japanese Canadian History Books
- Teacher References
- Films
- Websites
- Websites in French
- Other French Sources
- Audiotapes
Taiken Programs at the Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
For more information on Nikkei National Museum Education Programs, contact or visit our website.
Picture Books
- Bunting, Eve
So Far From the Sea. Illustrated by Chris K. Soentpiet. Clarion Books, New York, 1988. - Coerr, Eleanor
Sadako. Illustrated by Ed Young.
G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1993. - Fukawa, Masako with Fukawa, Stanley
Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet
Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd., Madeira Park, BC, 2009. - Hickman, Pamela and Fukawa, Masako
Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Japanese Canadian Internment in the Second World War
James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Toronoto, 2011. - Mochizuki, Ken
Baseball Saved Us.
Lee and Low, USA, 1993. - Say, Allen
Grandfather’s Journey.
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1993. - Trottier, Maxine
Flags. Illustrated by Paul Morrin.
Stoddard Kids, Toronto, 1999. - Tunell, Michael O. & Chilcoat, George W.
The Children of Topaz.
Holiday House, New York, 1996.
Intermediate Books/Novels:
Claxton, Nicholas XEMŦOLTW̱ et al
Challenging Racist British Columbia – 150 Years and Counting
the UVic research project Asian Canadians on Vancouver Island: Race, Indigeneity, and the Transpacific and The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (BC Office), BC, 2021Fukawa, Masako with Fukawa, Stanley
Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet
Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd., Madeira Park, BC, 2009.- Garrigue, Sheila
The Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito.
Maxwell Macmillan, Ontario, 1985. - Hickman, Pamela and Fukawa, Masako
Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Japanese Canadian Internment in the Second World War
James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Toronoto, 2011. Kluckner, Michael
Midtown Press, Vancouver, BC, 2020 (new and revised edition)
review- Kogawa, Joy
Naomi’s Road.
Stoddard Kids, Toronto, 1986. - Takashima, Shizuye
A Child in Prison Camp.
Tundra Books, Toronto, 1971. - Walters, Eric
Caged Eagles.
Orca Book Publishers, Victoria, 2000. - Walters, Eric
Paul Kariya: Hockey Magician.
Minneapolis, 1998. - Watada, Terry
Seeing the Invisible: The Story of Irene Uchida – Canadian Scientist.
Toronto, 1998. - Yesaki, Mitsuo
Watari-Dori (Birds of Passage).
Peninsula Publishing Company, Vancouver, 2004.
Japanese Canadian History Books
- Adachi, Ken
The Enemy that Never Was
McClelland and Steward, Toronto, 1976. - Adachi, Pat
Asahi: A Legend in Baseball,
Coronex Printing and Publishing, Etobicoke, 1992. - Ashworth, Mary
The Forces Which Shaped Them: a history of the education of minority group children in British Columbia
New Star Books, Vancouver, 1979 - Broadfoot, Barry
Years of Sorrow, Years of Shame
Doubleda Canada Limited, Toronto, 1977 - Fukawa, Masako with Fukawa, Stanley
Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet
Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd., Madeira Park, BC, 2009. - Hickman, Pamela and Fukawa, Masako
Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Japanese Canadian Internment in the Second World War
James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Toronoto, 2011. - Ito, Roy
We Went to War
Wings Canada, Ottawa, 1984 - Japanese Canadian Centennial Project
A Dream of Riches: The Japanese Canadian 1877 – 1977
Japanese Canadian Centennial Project, Vancouver, 1978 - Kitagawa, Muriel
Miki, Roy, ed.
This is my Own – Letters to Wes and Other Writings on Japanese Canadians, 1941-1948
Talonbooks, Vancouver, 1985 - Knight, Rolf
A Man of Our Times. The life-history of a Japanese-Canadian fisherman
New Star Books, 1976
available for free download from here - Kogawa, Joy
Penguin Books, Markham, Ontario, 1983 - Kogawa, Joy
Naomi’s Road
Toronto, Oxford U. Press, 1986 - Roy, Miki & Kobayashi, Cassandra
Justice in Our Time – The Japanese Canadian Redress Settlement
Talon Books, NAJC, Winnipeg, 1991 - Moritsugu, Frank and the Ghost Town Teachers’ Historical Society
Teaching in Canadian Exile: a history of the schools
for Japanese Canadian children in B.C. detention
camps during the Second World War.
Ghost Town Teachers’ Historical Society, Toronto, 2001
Remembrances of teachers and students from the camps. - Nakano, Takeo
Within the Barbed Wire Fence
University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1980 - Nikkei Fishermen’s Book Committee,
Nikkei Fishermen on the BC Coast, their biographies and photographs
Harbour Publishing, 2007 - Oiwa, Keibo, ed.
Stone Voices: Wartime Writings of Japanese Canadian Issei
Vehicule Press, Montreal. 1991 - Shibata, Yuko
The Forgotten History of Japanese Canadians
New Sun Books, Vancouver, 1977 - Sunahara, Ann
The Politics of Racism: The Uprooting of Japanese Canadians during the Second World War
Lorimer, Toronto, 1981 - Takeshi, John
And Justice For All
Random House Inc., Toronto, 1984 - Takata, Toyo
Nikkei Legacy: The Story of Japanese Canadians from Settlement to Today
New Canada Publications, Toronto, 1983 - Takashima, Shizue
A Child in Prison Camp
Tundra Books, Toronto, 1971 - Ward, W. Peter
White Canada Forever
McGill-Queens University Press, 1978 & 1990 - Yesaki, Mitsuo
Peninsula Publishing Company, 1998 - Yesaki, Mitsuo
SUTEBUSUTON: A Japanese Village on the British Columbia Coast
Peninsula Publishing Company, 2003
Teacher References
- The Holocaust – Social Responsibility and Global Citizenship.
Ministry of Education, Province of BC, 2000. - Teaching Human Rights: Valuing Dignity, Equity and Diversity.
BC Teachers’ Federation, 1995. - Francis, Daniel, Ed.
Encyclopedia of B.C.
Harbour Publishing, 2000. - Fukawa, Masako with Fukawa, Stanley
Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet
Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd., Madeira Park, BC, 2009. - Hickman, Pamela and Fukawa, Masako
Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Japanese Canadian Internment in the Second World War
James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Toronoto, 2011. - Paul, Richard; Binker, A.J.A.; Martin, Douglas;Vetrano, Chris; Kreklan, Heidi
Critical Thinking Handbook: 6th – 9th Grades.
Centre for Critical Thinking and Moral Critique,
Sonoma State University, 1989. - Yesaki, Mitsuo
Salmon Canning on the Fraser River in the 1890s
Peninsula Publishing Company, 2000.
- House of Commons – Prime Minister Brian Mulroney announces Redress
September 22, 1988
- Moving Images Distributors
Mrs. Murakami – Family Album (24 min.)
Enters the lives of the Murakami family of Salt Spring Island and gives, first hand, the drama of a chilling history of internment. - National Association of Japanese Canadians,Jesse Nishihata Productions
How Redress Was Won (29 min. 40 sec.) 1988.
Includes signing of the Redress Agreement between the National Association of Japanese Canadians and the Government of Canada – September 22, 1988. - National Film Board of Canada
Enemy Alien (26 min. 49 sec.) 1975. Black and white.
Enemy Alien, Jeanette Lerman, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Tells of Japanese Canadians’ long, frustrating struggle for acceptance as Canadians. - National Film Board of Canada
Minoru: Memory of Exile (18 min. 45 sec.) 1992. Colour.
Minoru: Memory of Exile, Michael Fukushima, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
A Japanese Canadian film-maker tells the story of his Canadian-born father. Suitable for younger viewers. - National Film Board of Canada
Obachan’s Garden (94 minutes) 2001. Colour.
Obachan’s Garden , Linda Ohama, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
An intensely personal reflection of Japanese-Canadian history and a testament to one woman’s incredible endurance and spirit. - National Film Board of Canada
Of Japanese Descent - National Film Board of Canada
Sleeping Tigers: The Asahi Baseball Story (51 minutes) 2003.
Sleeping Tigers: The Asahi Baseball Story, Jari Osborne, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
The story of the championship Japanese Canadian baseball team. - National Film Board of Canada
The War Between Us
Web Sites
- Challenging Racist British Columbia – 150 Years and Counting
the UVic research project Asian Canadians on Vancouver Island: Race, Indigeneity, and the Transpacific and The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (BC Office), BC, 2021 - Landscapes of Injustice – Elementary Teacher Resources This website uses the internment and dispossession of Japanese Canadians as a means to help students learn about the world by seeking answers to big questions.
- Landscapes of Injustince – Secondary Teacher Resources Landscapes of Injustice tells a story of the loss of home. It is about fear, racism, and measures taken in the name of security that made none safer. It is also about the resilience of Japanese Canadians confronting injustice.
- Library and Archives Canada Blog
Japanese Canadian internment: Over 40,000 pages and 180 photographs digitized by the DigiLab - Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre
Check this site for information on materials and visits available to schools. - Nikkei Nexus
The Links page created by the National Assn. of Japanese Canadians with sections on the histories of Japanese in Canada, the U.S. and South and Central America - The University of British Columbia’s Subject Resources for Japanese Canadian Internment. - Japanese Canadian Internment
The University of Washington holdings relating to the Japanese Canadian internment. - Internment of Ukranians in Canada 1914-1920
Extensive files on the internment of Ukrainians in Canada durin the First World War. - World War II – The Internment of German American Civilians
The internment of German American civilians during World War II - Murakamis donate 1.2 million dollar property to Saltspring Island’s first affordable housing project
Read the full article on
Web Sites in French
- L’ Encylopedie canadienne: - the Alberta On-line Encylopedia:
Le Canada en devenir — L’immigration asiatique - Statistique Canada — La communauté japonaise au Canada: - - Pour les jeunes et les enfants - Documentaires:
Ohama, Linda, Watari-dori — un oiseau migateur (L’épisode 8 de Memoirs d’un pays): - Murakamis donate 1.2 million dollar property to Saltspring Island’s first affordable housing project
Read the full article on
Other French Sources
French Language Sources Provided by: Prof. Greg Robinson de UQM and Ann Sunahara
- Louis AUBERT, Américains et Japonais, Paris, Armand Colin, 1908 (Chapitre sur le Canada)
- Robert BERNIER, Miyuki Tanobe, Montréal, Les Éditions de l’Homme, 2004
- W.L. Mackenzie KING, “Pertes Subies par la population japonaise de Vancouver C-B, » (Document Parlementaire, 1908)
- Joy KOGAWA, Obasan, Montréal, Québec/Amérique, 1989
- Henri LABROUE, L’Impérialisme Japonaise, Paris, Ch. Delagrave, 1911
- Grégoire LÉGER, En mission dans les camps d’internement japonais de la Colombie canadienne Montréal, Missions Franciscaines, 1944
- Jeannette LERMAN, « Étrangers Ennemis », Montréal, Office Nationale du Film du Canada, 1978
- Normand LESTER, Le livre noir du Canada anglais, Montréal, éditions les intouchables, 2004 (chapitre sur les canadiens japonais)
- « Repartir à Zéro : L’expérience des Canadiens d’origine japonaise au Québec,» Montréal, Centre culturel japonais canadien de Montréal, 1987
- Kerri SAKAMOTO, Le Champ Électrique, Montréal, Boréal, 2002
- John Herd THOMPSON, « Les minorités ethniques pendant les guerres mondiales»,Ottawa, Société Historique du Canada, 1981 (disponible sur le site web du SHC) Voir:
- W. Peter WARD, Les Japonais au Canada, Ottawa, Société Historique du Canada, 1982 (disponible sur le site web du SHC) Voir:
- Sandy YEP, « du régime raciste au Redressement: l’expérience vécue par les Canadiens d’origine Japonaise », Fondation Canadienne de Relations Raciales, 1998 Voir:
Sources Parliamentaires :
- L’annonce de l’entente de reparation : Les Débats Des Communes, jeudi, le 22 septembre 1988, pages 19499 – 19501.
- Canadiens japonais et la loi sur les measures d’urgence : Procès-verbaux et térmoignages du Comité legislative sur le Projet de loi C-77. Chambre des Communes, le mardi, 15 mars 1988, Fascicule 7, pages 37 à 52; Appendice 7A : 110 à 147.
Source québecois :
“Il faut se rappeler ce qu’a été le dossier des Japonais. Ce sont des groupes ethniques qui ont été spoliés de leurs biens, arrachés à leurs terres, internés durant toute la guerre avec leurs familles, et qui n’ont jamais pu, après, obtenir le remboursement de leurs biens qui avaient été vendus à des tiers, et les profits ayant été empochés par d’autres. C’était une situation particulièrement odieuse, M. le Président, c’était une grande tache.”.
Remarques du Premier Lucien Bouchard, Questions et réponses orales Débats de l’Assemblée Nationale, le mardi 6 juin 2000.
Romans :
- De 4 à 8 ans : Uegaki, Chieri. Le kimono de Suki, illustrations de Stéphane Jorisch, Markham (Ont.), Éditions Scholastic, 2003. (Traduction de Suki’s Kimono)
- De 5 à 7 ans : Aska, Warabé. Les mystères du parc, texte en français, en anglais et en japonais, Montréal, Tundra Books, 1986. (Traduction de Who Hides in the Park)
- 7 ans et plus : Derval Monique. La statue du chien Hachiko, illustrations de Jean Morin, Waterloo (Qc), Éditions M. Quintin, 2003.
- De 10 à 11 ans : Scott, Janine. Le festival des cerisiers en fleurs, photographies de Paul Dymond, Montréal, Chenelière éducation, 2006. (Traduction de The Cherry Blossom Festival)
Thésis :
- Kuniko Kondo, “Les Canadiens d’origine japonaise à Montréal: Leur processus d’intégration dans la vie canadienne” M.A. thesis, sociology, Université de Montréal, 2000.
“Repartir à zero: L’expérience des Canadiens d’origine japonaise à Montréal, 1942-1952” Tribune Juive , Vol. 5 No. 1 (Juillet-Août 1987), pp. 15-16.
Audio Tapes
- CBC Wednesday Night radio, ca. 1960
The Story of the Japanese Canadians – The Enemy That Never Was (60 minutes) - CBC radio, 23 May 1987
The War We Fought on the West Coast - CBC Vancouver Almanac 25 May 1987
Phone-In on Redress - CBC radio, Ideas 26 April 1988
Wasteland Gardens: the Japanese Canadian Internment in Canada Part I - CBC radio, Ideas 3 May 1988
Wasteland Gardens: the Japanese Canadian Internment in Canada Part II